Eimaan Culture & Community Services CIC

Gateway to Communities

Eimaan Culture and Community Services CIC is a specialist service provider in promoting and improving equality, diversity, inclusion, health and well being in the community.  Working in collaboration with public sector organisations including the NHS, North Yorkshire Police, Education, Local Authority, voluntary sector and other organisations to ensure people from under-represented groups feel supported.

Desired outputs are:

Providing cultural-appropriate opportunities and events

Providing networking, friendship and unifying opportunities

Improving social integration and enhancing overall community connections.

Supporting health and well being

Empowering vulnerable communities

Delivery of cultural awareness training and lived experience expertise to improve understanding about different cultures and backgrounds in the wider community

Celebrating inclusion and diversity

Delivery of diverse learning/awareness sessions to improve wider understanding of other cultures, backgrounds and heritage.

Sharing lived experience accounts to provide hope and inspiration to others who are on a similar journey and to promote understanding and compassion in the wider community.

“I commend Shamim for her dedication and hard work with building bridges within communities. We need more cultured-appropriate events and learning in York that encourage connection and understanding among different backgrounds!”

—Salma B.

June 2023

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.